Our first day of driving is completedddd. We took a veryyyy long time to leave the house. We were hoping to be out of Latham by 10 am, but we knew we probably wouldn’t be out until noon. Well, we left home at 2:20 in the afternoon. Just typical Zima timing. We also asked Adam to take his lunch break at our house to help us play tetris with the car. (Thanks Adam!) When we finally left, our first stop was a gas station less than two miles from home. We didn’t remember to fill up the tank before hand. Oops. But after that quick stop, we were on the road. Less than two hours in, we stopped. Naturally, Elyse had to use the bathroom and while we were stopped I already broke something. (Sorry Mary Ann, I dropped the cup you guys gave me. But have no fear, I’m going to put that Target gift card to use in replacing the cup. Ask Elyse, it made me super sad when it happened :( ) An hour and half later, we stopped because (of course) Elyse had to use the bathroom again. This time, she got out of the car and said "I don't really have to go, but still." Classic. We made a pit stop near Rochester, NY, to see a friend from high school and play catch up real quick. On the road again, now almost 8 oclock and four hours to drive to our destination outside of Cuyahoga Valley National Park. Along the route, we passed a truck with a plug hanging from the back, just sparking along the road. We booked it right past that dude cause we didn't want to see if the sparks would blow anything up. Anyway, we made it here around 12:30. The place we are staying is a mix of nice and slightly creepy (as Elyse would say). Although, we do need to stop watching Criminal Minds before road trips because we are over-analyzing things... Anyway, the biggest thing that we learned today was that Elyse needs to go back to elementary english and take some spelling tests.
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