Thursday, August 25, 2011

How does a two story outhouse really work?

Well, that is a great question. There are two slots on each level, one for men and one for women. Now, the tricky thing to grasp, is how the upstairs plumbing doesn't fall on top of the downstairs users. The top level of holes are shifted back from the downstairs so that their plumbing falls behind the downstairs users. I believe that there is a wall protecting the downstairs users from the upstairs plumbing. At least, this is how we think it works. The outhouse is in a small town in Illinois called Gays. It has a population of 250 people. The area it was in was called "a park", although it was probably the size of my parents' living room. It had the outhouse, a little memorial to a fallen soldier, a bulletin board of outhouse related things, and a small rock saying, basically, this is a park. We felt super out of place, as probably half the town drove by... Maybe not half, but definitely a quarter of the town. It seemed as though this was the only thing the town had... Anyway, we took a few pictures, and then bounced super fast cause, well, we are a couple of New Yorkers who can't handle the absurd amount of corn fields around.

(this wasn't in Gays, it was a few towns over where we filled up out gas tank. this dude put a little motor on his bicycle. pimpin.)

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