Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Welcome to Your New Vacation Destination :)

Thats just my way of saying that everyone can come visit! Elyse and I are here in Tempe enjoying the apartment. Yesterday, we got up in the afternoon, unloaded the car, and then my roommate Siggi showed us around a little bit of the area. We went out to dinner with the boys to a random bar and grill that we found. We played trivia, and failed miserably, but what are you going to do! More importantly, though, we have our final numbers of our trip.

Tuesday Mileage - 494.6 
Wednesday Mileage - 505.4
Thursday Mileage - 445.5
Friday Mileage - 593.1
Saturday Mileage - 823.8
Sunday Mileage - 598.3
      Total Miles Driven - 3460.7
               Lisa - 2188.5
               Elyse - 1272.2

National Parks Visited - 4 (Cuyahoga Valley, Gateway Arch, Zion, Grand Canyon)

States Driven Through - 11 (New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, back to Arizona)

License Plates NOT seen - Rhode Island, West Virginia, Hawaii
Fun Non-US Plates seen - British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec, Cherokee Nation, Quapaw Tribe, Osage Nation, US-Gov
** just seen Tuesday (we were no longer road tripping, but since Elyse was still on vacation its counting) - Mexico

Total Bathroom count -
     Elyse - 80
     Lisa - 16

Now, its time to make my room look like a person lives in there :)

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